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Exclusive Features and Accessories

Click on any of the tabs below to learn more about features and accessories for your A-WALL modular office or inplant building.

A-WALL panels are constructed like a permanent, stud and drywall wall. However, the standard panels feature Type X, Firecode® gypsum board with a specially formulated core that's a superior fire barrier compared to regular drywall. The gypsum board panel surfaces are "decoupled" by insulating ribs which significantly reduce sound transmission from one side of the panel to the other. These ribs also create three, independent wiring cavities which are sized to accept standard electrical boxes and allow unlimited wiring flexibility. You can request single or ganged switches and outlets, as well as phone and data boxes wherever you need them. And later, you can install additional devices in the panels when needed using off the shelf electrical components.

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Both standard and poly-core A-WALL panels are shipped with UL Listed switch and receptacle assemblies factory installed and wired in the panels. You specify the electrical devices you require and designate their locations. The standard electrical package includes a main breaker panel, 2’ x 4’ recessed, fluorescent light fixtures, switches, receptacles and device boxes with pull lines for your communication and data wiring.

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A-WALL buildings can be equipped for virtually any application with a range of optional accessories.

  • Doors
  • Windows
  • Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning
  • Sound and Temperature Control
  • Ceiling Systems

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Did You Know?

A-WALL modular offices are shipped with U.L. listed switch and outlet assemblies factory installed in the wall panels.

Factory wired panels reduce your installation time and labor cost.

A-WALL Building Systems Logo

Manufactured by Warwick Products.
5350 Tradex Parkway
Cleveland, Ohio 44102

Phone - 216-252-9292 | 800-345-4400

FAX - 216-889-1263 | 888-432-9274

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